Album Cover Art // Tracy Cruz

Cover artwork for Tracy Cruz’s music album H3artifacts, including artwork for her single ‘Losing In Love’  //  hand-drawn charcoal on amate paper.  Graphic design and layout concept by Pablo Zavala

Art of Facts, and single ‘Keep Our Soul Alive’ // acrylic on wood panel.  Purple H3artifacts, and single, ‘My H3art Says to You’ // hand-drawn ink illustration.  Graphic design by Quynh-Mai Nguyen

Connect with Tracy Cruz and her music here @

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Housing 2.0 Chalk Art Installation

Public (art) infographics designed and installed for the City of San Jose’s ‘Housing 2.0: Reimagining the Housing System in Silicon Valley’ event on May 19, 2016. Starting with research on the stratospheric cost of housing in the South Bay, through design and installation of custom infographics spanning the public courtyard of San Jose City Hall, all done in love & partnership with Pablo Zavala, and community friends.

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